Download Document: Practical Scrap Metal Small Arms Vol.06 - MAC-10 Construction Guide

This document contains plans and information for making a 1:1 copy of the MAC-10 machine gun, with the main difference being internal simplifications to make it easier to build at home. For readers familiar with the MAC-11 Box Tube design described in Vol.2 & 5, the construction techniques and tools used in this project are very similar. The design described here is a little less fast, although the result is a very accurate reproduction of a real gun and would be comparable to many factory-made examples if proper care was taken. As before, no lathe or milling machine is required, and only basic tools are required for construction.

For legal reasons, the attached demonstration model was built as a legal non-functional replica. It contains a completely crushed, blocked and permanently welded replica pipe with several stainless steel inserts as well as a bolt that has no provision for a trigger. This document is intended for academic study purposes only.

We emphatically do not support or encourage the use of this information for illegal or harmful purposes. Any unlawful activity is discouraged, and this documentation is intended as an academic reference only.

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